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Rooney Stone
0044(0) 2841765578







to Rooney Stone.

Rooney Stone is an Irish Stone company; specialists in the building and restoration of all natural stonework. We are a family business and as such recognise the importance of a personal service.

We provide Irish craftsmanship at its best, which is passed down through five generations of Irish Stonemasons.  We provide cleaning and restoration of churches, historic buildings, stone cleaning, stone houses, walls, fireplaces, etc. We also specialize in all types of natural building stones and stone products. Rooney Stone covers UK, Ireland, USA, London and Europe and offer lime pointing/stone cleaning and stone restoration.

We guarantee that all enquiries will be dealt with in a prompt and professional manner. All our staff are experienced and fully trained in all aspects of stonemasonry. We will endeavour to undertake work worldwide subject to contract.


Michael at work

News of newly completed projects and upcoming works will be detailed here....

Links to our latest product ranges and services offered to you here.....

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Rooney Stone –We provide stone restoration by Irish stonemasons. If you want stone restoration, we can assure you all types of stonework.

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